Resource hub for campaigns, advocacy materials, and tools developed by hepCoalition and partner organizations that can be adapted and used by advocates for local campaigns in their own contexts.
Campaigns include the ongoing efforts that aim to expand affordable treatment and diagnostics access for all who need it.
Liberate Generics!
Ongoing, global campaign working to accelerate equitable access to affordable, generic hepatitis C treatments. More
- About the Campaign
- Gilead’s License on Hepatitis C Drugs, Sofosbuvir and Ledipasvir: a Fool’s Bargain
- Doctors of the World Opposes the Patent on Sofosbuvir
- APN+ Joins MTAAG+ in Congratulating Malaysia on Sofosbuvir Compulsory License
- Hepatitis C Cure, Sofosbuvir, Turns 5 Years Old: The Vast Majority of People Still Nave Not Been Treated
- Activists Demand Affordable Hepatitis C Treatment
- First Hepatitis C Treatment Developed Through South-South Cooperation Registered in Malaysia
- Gilead’s Claim That Generic Purchase of Sofosbuvir Would Lead to Patent Infringement in Brazil Dismissed
- Sofosbuvir Case in Brazil
- LAT CAB Calls on AbbVie, Licensed Generic Manufacturers of G/P, and the Medicines Patent Pool to Fulfill their Commitment to Make Generic HCV Treatment Widely Available
- Treatment for Hepatitis C: The Patent System is Standing in the Way of Access to Medicine
Have a Heart, Save My Liver!
Ongoing, global campaign focusing on where the registration of diagnostics and direct-acting antivirals has stalled as well as the slow treatment uptake in low- and middle-income countries. More
- About the Campaign
- Have a Heart, Save My Liver!: Where Are My Diagnostics?
- Who Has Access to Hepatitis C Testing? Liberate Our Diagnostics!
- Access to Hepatitis C Treatment and Care Among People Who Inject Drugs: Failing People Most Disproportionately Affected
- Have a Heart, Save My Liver! Where is the Cure Registered?
- Have a Heart, Save My Liver! Which Countries Restrict Treatment?
- Have a Heart, Save My Liver! Why Hepatitis C Virus Care Remains Inaccessible
Take Action!
The section includes sign-on letters, petitions, and collective statements.
Drug Policy Manifesto for the 2024 European Parliament Elections
For a drug policy that makes Europe safer, healthier, and more just! A Manifesto, initiated by C-EHRN, lays down a vision for a pragmatic, innovative, and human rights-centred European drug policy. More
The Amsterdam Manifesto: A Catalyst for Change in Drug Policy
A diverse coalition of policymakers, scientists and civil society representatives unite in creating more humane drug policy by prioritizing the well-being of all impacted by the multifaceted challenges of illegal drug markets. Endorse NOW! More
Advocacy Tools
Advocacy materials and tools developed by hepCoalition and partner organizations that can be adapted and used by advocates for local campaigns in their own contexts. Includes training materials, community monitoring/data collection, and graphics.
Global State of Harm Reduction 2024
Harm Reduction International releases the 9th edition of the Global State of Harm Reduction report, providing an independent analysis of harm reduction in the world. More
INHSU Prisons Hepatitis C Advocacy Toolkit
The toolkit provides guidance across three core areas with the aim of supporting advocacy efforts for the scale-up or implementation of prison-based hepatitis C testing, treatment and prevention services. More
Policy Statements
The section includes partners’ policy and advocacy statements that can aid activists in their messaging and calls to action.
Monitoring Hepatitis C Elimination Among People Who Inject Drugs: A Broader Approach Is Required
The overall goal of hepatitis C elimination for PWID should be improved quality of life and enhanced access to high-quality, non-judgmental healthcare and prevention services, resulting in reductions in morbidity and mortality broadly. More
Harm Reduction Must Replace Punitive Drug Policies
The Global Commission on Drug Policy releases a call-to-action report ’Beyond Punishment: From Criminal Justice Responses to Drug Policy Reform’. More