Global Fund Pooled Procurement Mechanism Reference Pricing: Strategic Medicines Used in HIV Programs

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund) has established Framework Agreements with manufacturers of strategic medicines used in HIV programs with the aim to achieve lower prices and also ensure the sustainable and reliable on-time supply of the full range of the needed products.
The prices in the document below are the prices at which the Global Fund Pooled Procurement Mechanism aims to deliver the health products at or below throughout the grant implementation period (2021-2023) as recommended in the Global Fund Guidelines for Grant Budgeting for health products.
Actual prices achieved for a grant will depend on how early the orders are placed by Principal Recipients - and additionally the achievement of certain volume thresholds through the pooled volumes to enable the Global Fund to achieve negotiated prices through the mechanism. Actual prices achieved will be charged to the grant.
Note that pricing for some items may not be available for some countries due to patent or licensing restrictions.
The established Framework Agreements with manufacturers under the Global Fund Pooled Procurement Mechanism cover medicines for the treatment of hepatitis B, hepatitis C, Kaposi Sarcoma, cryptococcal disease and medicines for the prevention of HIV related opportunistic infections.