HCV Market Intelligence Report 2023

- The report provides market intelligence on hepatitis C (HCV) diagnostics and drugs in high-burden and low- and middle-income countries.
- For the first time, it also includes preliminary insights into harm reduction commodities.
- Builds on the first two editions of the market intelligence reports.
The Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) released the third issue of the HCV Market Intelligence Report. This latest edition represents a step forward in CHAI’s continued efforts to improve market transparency for HCV diagnostic and treatment commodities to empower stakeholders and decision-makers in the HCV community.
The report builds on the first two editions of the market intelligence reports to provide updates on the supplier landscape for World Health Organization (WHO)-recommended HCV diagnostics and treatment drugs. It also outlines historical supply and pricing trends, highlights global benchmark prices, and suggests strategies to access diagnostics and drugs at more affordable prices.
For the first time, the report also provides preliminary insights into the market for harm-reduction commodities with a focus on buprenorphine and methadone (opioid agonist maintenance therapy commodities), which are recommended by the WHO’s consolidated guidelines on HIV, viral hepatitis, and STI prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and care for key populations, and touches briefly on naloxone, which is used for overdose reversal, and needles and syringes that are distributed as a part of harm reduction programs.
Source: CHAI