Hepatitis C...Where’s My Package?
We need a comprehensive hepatitis C package of services for people who use and inject drugs!

We Need a Comprehensive Hepatitis C Package of Services for People Who Use and Inject Drugs!
“It’s been more than 5 years since we cured hepatitis C...where’s my package?”
Investing in HCV elimination requires national programs to provide services for key populations, particularly people who use and inject drugs who are disproportionately affected by the virus. More
Who Counts in Our National Hepatitis Plans?
Activists and community members need meaningful ways to talk with policy-makers about how to improve national hepatitis targets. Important questions to ask your Ministry of Health. More
Intervention Toolkit for Hepatitis C
INHSU developed a tool to inform and inspire global hepatitis C testing, diagnosis, linkage to care and treatment for people who use drugs. More
Recommended Package of Interventions for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and STI Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment and Care for People who Inject Drugs
In a policy brief, WHO gives an update on the parts of the Consolidated guidelines on HIV, viral hepatitis and STIs relevant for people who inject drugs. More