Liberate Generics!
Ongoing, global campaign working to accelerate equitable access to affordable, generic hepatitis C treatments.

About the Campaign
Generic competition to accelerate the number of people who start treatment is stalled due to Gilead’s, AbbVie’s, and their sub-licensees’ delay or failure to register their drugs. More
Gilead’s License on Hepatitis C Drugs, Sofosbuvir and Ledipasvir: a Fool’s Bargain
Myths and facts
Gilead’s license is a fool’s bargain that inhibits access for nearly half the world’s HCV population. More
Doctors of the World Opposes the Patent on Sofosbuvir
Hepatitis C: scourge, remedy and scandal
This is the first time in Europe that a medical NGO uses this juridical tool to improve patients access to treatment. More
APN+ Joins MTAAG+ in Congratulating Malaysia on Sofosbuvir Compulsory License
Compulsory license ends Gilead’s dangerous games with lives of hepatitis C patients in Malaysia; Result of hard fought efforts of community-based groups, NGOs and treatment providers. More
Hepatitis C Cure, Sofosbuvir, Turns 5 Years Old: The Vast Majority of People Still Nave Not Been Treated
Advocates scandalized that Gilead’s hepatitis C profits have raked in US$25.8 billion, which could have treated everyone while still earning US$16 billion in profits. More
Activists Demand Affordable Hepatitis C Treatment
Activists’ demonstrations demanding affordable hepatitis C treatment and universal access to generic medicines everywhere. More
First Hepatitis C Treatment Developed Through South-South Cooperation Registered in Malaysia
New treatment combination for hepatitis C virus is an additional affordable option for millions still waiting for access to lifesaving treatments in middle-income countries. More
Gilead’s Claim That Generic Purchase of Sofosbuvir Would Lead to Patent Infringement in Brazil Dismissed
Gilead claims there is a patent infringement by two generic producers and directly asked to block any eventual commercialization of sofosbuvir products by these producers in Brazil. More
Sofosbuvir Case in Brazil
Sofosbuvir case in Brazil is well analysed in a new publication ’Access to Medicines and Vaccines: Implementing Flexibilities Under Intellectual Property Law’. More
LAT CAB Calls on AbbVie, Licensed Generic Manufacturers of G/P, and the Medicines Patent Pool to Fulfill their Commitment to Make Generic HCV Treatment Widely Available
Four years after MPP and AbbVie came to agreement on a voluntary license authorizing MPP to sublicense G/P to generic manufacturers, generic G/P is not available anywhere. More
Treatment for Hepatitis C: The Patent System is Standing in the Way of Access to Medicine
Following the appeal filed by AIDES, Médecins du Monde and Médecins sans Frontières, the European Patent Office has decided to uphold the patent of sofosbuvir, hindering the launch of an affordable generic version of the drug in Europe. More