MapCrowd is a community-driven, online, crowdsourced platform designed to gather and publicize the most up-to-date country-level information on HCV. The platform provides free access to national, regional, and international data, allows users to create maps, graphs, and tables, and permits users to download data for their own analyses. Visit

Materials in this section
About mapCrowd
Médecins du Monde and Treatment Action Group have launched mapCrowd, an online crowdsourcing platform designed to gather and publicize the most up-to-date country-level information on HCV. More
Tutorial: How to Fill-in Data in the mapCrowd?
This tutorial has been designed to help you as focal points (or mapCrowders) to enter data in the mapCrowd data fields related to a country that you agreed to inform. More
MapCrowd Data Collection Survey
Fill out a short survey regarding the national HCV policy and HCV care continuum services in your country to help collect crucial country-level information for MapCrowd. More